Visitgolfe Golfe de Saint-Tropez Tourisme

A.C.T.A : Amicale Croisienne du Troisième Age

La Croix-Valmer Senior association

Senior citizens' meetings - Trips - Relaxation and discovery days - Meals - Loto - Balneotherapy twice a year in Italy - Aquagym - Card games (Tarot, Belotte, Bridge). Presence on Thursday mornings at the Salle Vermeil (opposite the swimming pool) from 10am to 12pm.

From 01/01 to 31/12.

Senior citizens' meetings - Trips - Relaxation and discovery days - Meals - Loto - Balneotherapy twice a year in Italy - Aquagym - Card games (Tarot, Belotte, Bridge). Presence on Thursday mornings at the Salle Vermeil (opposite the swimming pool) from 10am to 12pm.