Visitgolfe Golfe de Saint-Tropez Tourisme

The lifting of cork

La Garde-Freinet Cultural activities Accompanied - Botanical - Agricultural

Man and forest walk
Fabien Tamboloni, forestry technician and naturalist, or Didier Roux, cork leveur, invite you to attend a demonstration of cork debarking.

Saturday 27 July 2024 between 10 am and 12 pm.

The cork oak is the only tree in the world that can be harvested, without harming or killing it, for the famous bark with which corks are made: cork. The cork industry was once important in the Maures, playing a certain role in the local economy.
Accompanied by a forestry technician, equipped with his cork axe, you will attend a demonstration of cork debarking.
You will discover the facets of its exploitation and the multiple uses of this amazing material.