Visitgolfe Golfe de Saint-Tropez Tourisme

Celestial walk

La Garde-Freinet Cultural activities

Let's observe the stars and learn to recognize the constellations.
Walk accompanied by Franck Gourdon from Astrovision-Planetarium

Tuesday 13 August 2024 between 9.30 pm and 11 pm.

The evening will begin with telescope observations of the seas and craters of our natural satellite, the Moon. This will be followed by a celestial walk with commentary, giving you the chance to discover the main constellations and some of the stars that can be seen with the naked eye at this time of year, as well as explaining the main principles governing the life and death of stars. Finally, observation through an amplified telescope will allow you to marvel at the beauty of some of the most spectacular celestial objects in the summer sky, including the Eagle Nebula and its Pillars of Creation, the Wild Duck and Hercules star clusters, the Apple Cobbler Nebula and the Whirlpool Galaxy. And let's not forget the shooting stars of the Perseid swarm, which will mark out the evening and provide an opportunity for those who wish to do so to express their best wishes...
In the event of bad weather, the evening will be held indoors. The walk will be done with planetarium software and sequences previously recorded with an amplified vision telescope will be projected.
