Visitgolfe Golfe de Saint-Tropez Tourisme

Les concerts plage de l'Escalet - Less

Ramatuelle Entertainment/recreation Concert

The feet in the sand of the Escalet, or the head in the stars ...

Monday 5 August 2024 between 9 pm and 11 pm.

Trio The Unnamed Feelings merges with singer Laetitia d'Unamtillae to form LESS, recapturing the trio's energy and adding a wider repertoire thanks to Laetitia's voice.
From Miley Cirus to Tina Turner, with hits from the 80s to today. Tones and I, Lady gaga, Donna summer, Images, Desireless, ACDC, Gun's & roses, Metallica..... Variety, pop, rock on the edge of hard rock, an evening full of energy ahead! MORE WOMEN ON STAGE !!!